The Journey ~

Life is a journey. Not a destination.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015


I will be taking Polly out for a real trip today...  and what was supposed to be so fun, isn't.  The camper is perfect for ME, and fine for me with one guest. So, I was taking Polly up to pick up Destiny and camp in Michigan. 

But we have an additional guest. So, I have had to pack up all my tent equipment,  too! Argh! It would be better to leave Polly at home and pack up my Infiniti with my tent equipment! I'm worried about the extra weight stress on the old Subaru. I have so much stuff packed that I can't access my camper easily.  It will probably be faster and easier to use a tent tonight since it's just a single night layover on the way to Greenville...

So, here I sit, in dread. How stupid is this? I feel like ditching the sweet camper, AND my tents, and just going to a hotel. Actually,  I could stay at Jill's! But I already paid for the campsite.

Come on, Deb.

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