The Journey ~

Life is a journey. Not a destination.

Monday, December 3, 2018

Merry Christmas, already?

I can't believe it's already December,  another year gone. Christmas songs are playing on the radio... "and so this is Christmas,  and what have you done? Another year over,  a new one's just begun..."   I have worked a lot of hours,  not much income, but "busy". I did NO camping except for 2 nights in my backpacking tent while traveling. I didn't see the grandchildren enough, although when I did it was great! I did SOME Zentangle,  but not enough... 

So, it is time to reevaluate and plan what to do better next year.

Friday, October 26, 2018

Goodbye K8 Kamper

This has been the most horrid camping year... I haven't taken a camper out even ONCE this year. I did spend two nights in my backpacking tent and that was nice. But owning two unused campers seemed like a bad idea. I couldn't decide which camper to sell though! I love them both. Polly is my personal retreat and K8 was good for camping with friends and family. Also nice to have that air conditioning!

Ultimately, I decided to sell K8. The decision was actually made for me. When I opened Polly up there was a large tear in the tent! I was devastated! But I couldn't sell her in that condition! Rationalizing the sale was made easier, too. By selling the larger camper, I could replace the tent on the smaller. I might even put air on her. So, Ms K8 has a new home and I hope they love her. I sent all her decor with her.

Now, it's just Polly. I ordered her tent and it is finished. It will come next week. Polly will fit into the garage. And maybe next year will be better. I still have a couple of tents for family camping...
I hear the sound of nature calling me...

Monday, June 11, 2018

Rain, rain, rain

It was a super rainy (and cool) May, and so far June hasn't been a whole lot better. My camping so far this year? ZILCH! I put K8 up and slept out with 2 dogs. They both failed the campground test.  They barked too often.  We slept great though. K8 looks good to go.  Now I have Polly up in the drive. She needs cleaning and canvas treatment.  The canvas is soaking up water.  Not letting any through but it's far too wet. So today, on the advise of the Pop-up Princess, I ordered 303 brand products from Amazon to clean and water repel my canvas.
I am probably not going to get much camping in this year.  I hate it but I AM going to Standing Rock reservation in July and to Scotland and Ireland  next March.
If I ever go back to keeping this blog, I will post what we did and how we did it last October when we went to China. And maybe some of my other trips. .. maybe...

Friday, April 27, 2018

Created in His Likeness

I'm fascinated by how the message of "Creativity IS a gift to be used as a ministry" has penetrated my life. It's so life giving to me, and validates me as a spiritual being!

Monday, March 26, 2018

Holy week monotangle

This is the Diva Challenge for this week, to use Paradox as a monotangle. I fully intended to continue to paradox in the black spaces with white but when I got this far I felt that it was finished. As Christ said "It is finished". On Easter I may add the white paradox...