The Journey ~

Life is a journey. Not a destination.

Monday, June 11, 2018

Rain, rain, rain

It was a super rainy (and cool) May, and so far June hasn't been a whole lot better. My camping so far this year? ZILCH! I put K8 up and slept out with 2 dogs. They both failed the campground test.  They barked too often.  We slept great though. K8 looks good to go.  Now I have Polly up in the drive. She needs cleaning and canvas treatment.  The canvas is soaking up water.  Not letting any through but it's far too wet. So today, on the advise of the Pop-up Princess, I ordered 303 brand products from Amazon to clean and water repel my canvas.
I am probably not going to get much camping in this year.  I hate it but I AM going to Standing Rock reservation in July and to Scotland and Ireland  next March.
If I ever go back to keeping this blog, I will post what we did and how we did it last October when we went to China. And maybe some of my other trips. .. maybe...