The Journey ~

Life is a journey. Not a destination.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Polly's sister needs a name!

I have Polly's sister popped up. She needs a name. Is Poppy too redundant? In Victoria I visited a beautiful garden that grew BLUE poppies. They were really blue and amazing. I think Poppy would be a name, but a good name?

Anyway,  I bought a sweet purple rug and made some curtains and pillows today. I actually think she is done.  Less is more when kids are camping! I think I will go through the old toys.  We might need a few in the camper, maybe.

So, the kids side is bright and open. MY side has a curtain.  ☺

1 comment:

  1. I have a 8.1 and have decorated much like you. Love the organization dropdowns. I'm going to steal your idea! Question I see you have another table than the one provided...mine bends and coases when I use it for the bed support does yours work? Just curious
